Established as a trust under the laws of New York and granted recognition by the Internal Revenue Service as an approved charity under section 501(c)(3) of the tax code, the Foundation is a vital entity dedicated to advancing the educational, leadership, and charitable pursuits of Delta Phi and its members. The Foundation operates under the stewardship of a self-perpetuating Board of Trustees, responsible for managing the endowment, overseeing solicitations, and vetting scholarship and grant applications.
One of the Foundation's noteworthy advantages lies in its tax-exempt, tax-deductible status according to the IRS code. This allows contributors to the St. Elmo Foundation to receive tax benefits for their support. Regrettably, contributions to the fraternity do not share the same tax-deductible status.
At the heart of the Foundation's initiatives are its flagship scholarship programs, each named in honor of distinguished alumni. These scholarships are competitively awarded, considering factors such as academic performance, leadership qualities, recommendations, and financial need. A Scholarship and Grants committee meticulously reviews applications, providing recommendations to the Trustees, with scholarships typically awarded in the fall of each year.
Nottingham Chapter Leader Awards
Named in honor R. Kendall Nottingham, Xi 1956, a trustee and major benefactor of the St. Elmo Foundation, and alumni leader at the Xi Chapter, the Nottingham Chapter Leader Awards recognize undergraduate members who have played a significant role in the success of their undergraduate chapters by taking on significant and sustained leadership responsibilities in their chapter.
Nominations for Nottingham Awards are made in writing to the St. Elmo Foundation Scholarship and Grant Committee through the National Headquarters in October each year. Use this link to access the online application.
William P. Carey Scholarships
Named in honor of William P. Carey, Eta 1951, long-time Chairman and major benefactor of the St. Elmo Foundation, National Fraternity leader, and alumni leader at Eta Chapter, the Carey Scholarships support members of Delta Phi in need of financial support for their academic studies.
Applications are submitted in October each year. Please use this link to access the online application.
Gillet Chapter Academic Grants
Named in honor of J. McHenry ("Mac”) Gillet, Xi 1949, a long-time alumni leader at Xi Chapter and significant benefactor of the St. Elmo Foundation, the Gillet Chapter Academic Grants recognize chapters of the Delta Phi Fraternity that achieve academic excellence, and support leadership development and training at the undergraduate chapter.
The Foundation Board will review candidates at the Spring meeting in April, after which time funds will be disbursed. Grades and proposals must be submitted in March each year.
St. Elmo Foundation Grants
St. Elmo Foundation grants have a strong bias toward grants that benefit the National Fraternity, an entire chapter, or, at minimum, a broad cross-section of a chapter, rather than one individual. Applicants for St. Elmo Foundation Grants must complete a written proposal that details the need for grant funds and the purpose for which the funds will be used.
There is no specific deadline for St. Elmo Foundation grants; however, they will be considered by the Foundation Board during their biannual meetings in April and November. Proposals should be submitted to the National Headquarters.
Honors Fees (Phi Beta Kappa and other Academic Honor Societies)
Paul N. Leitner, N (Lehigh) '73 (President)
Robert P. Torretti, Ξ (Johns Hopkins) '93 (Secretary/Treasurer)
Gary L. Klestadt, Γ (NYU) ‘75
George Sykes, Ξ (Johns Hopkins) '88
Joseph F. Scognamiglio, E (Rutgers) '77
Clifford W. Moodie, N (Lehigh) '74
Joshua D. Greenman, Λ (RPI) '05
J.D. Bowers, (William & Mary) '87
Gregory E. McElroy
The St. Elmo Foundation
PO Box 1170
Pearl River, New York 10965-0570
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